The Victorian Government has announced it will extend its circuit-breaker lockdown for a further seven days, with a number of support payments available for businesses affected by the restrictions.
With the number of local COVID cases growing, current restrictions will remain in place in Melbourne until 10 June, with some easing of restrictions for regional Victoria in the coming days.
The Federal Government has today announced people in greater Melbourne who have lost work due to lockdown will be eligible for a temporary financial support package.
From next Tuesday, people over the age of 17 who have “less than $10,000 in liquid assets” will be able to apply for $500 or $325, depending on hours worked per week.
Meanwhile, the Victorian Government has confirmed it will double many of the support payments that were announced on Sunday.
Building on the $250.7 million support package, up to $209.3 million will be allocated to small- and medium-sized businesses, taking the total support package to $460 million.
“This is hard for everyone and this extra support means businesses can be in a position to recover strongly once their doors reopen,” said Acting Premier James Merlino.
Business Costs Assistance Program grants of $2,500 for eligible businesses, which includes event suppliers, will be doubled to $5,000 for eligible businesses in metropolitan Melbourne.
Regional businesses that are unable to open due to ongoing restrictions, such as nightclubs and amusement parks, will also be eligible for the extension payment.
Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund grants of $3,500 will be doubled to $7,000 for eligible businesses in metropolitan Melbourne.
However, there will be no increase on the $20 million Events Support Package that was also announced in the initial payments.
The Victorian Government are yet to release further details about the package. Details on how to access support when it becomes available can be found here.
More reading
Industry reacts to Victoria’s lockdown support package
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