According to Dana Lightbody, CEO of The Leadership Institute, leaders aren’t born — they’re created.
“Leadership isn’t something that you’re born with, it’s a learnt skill that needs constant nurturing and development throughout your life and career,” she said.
“Combine this with the fast-paced, technologically advanced world we live in, where there seems a new gadget, app or way of doing things everyday, it can become very overwhelming.”
No matter what industry you’re in, leadership in 2020 is all about KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid, said Lightbody.
“The key thing is to make sure it’s realistic and something you will stick too,” she said.
As you start to think about your personal and business goals for 2020, here are Lightbody’s five steps to become a better leader in your organisation:
Step 1//Create an ‘executive toolkit’
Start with your values and write them down, this will give you a way to measure yourself against the qualities your ‘ideal leader’.
Knowing who you are and what you stand for will assist your team in measuring themselves in a positive way, leading them to feel valued, and as a by-product, even more motivated.
Step 2// Allocate time
Block out time in your calendar and schedule the events and training sessions you want to attend throughout the year. If you schedule it in advance, you’re more likely to attend and follow through.
Step 3//Get educated
Book in formal training, internally or externally and make time to attend it. Conferences for straight-from-the-source learning, deconstructed university courses or one day industry focused trainings — whatever it is, make time for it.
Compile a selection of books to read throughout the year, if reading is not your thing try an audiobook on the way to work. I’d start with my favourite business author Brené Brown and aim for one per month.
Step 4//Engage a mentor or sponsor
You’d be surprised how many experienced CEO’s, entrepreneurs and educators are looking to mentor or sponsor upcoming talent. Simply make a list of the people who inspire you and reach out.
Step 5//Network
Attend networking events! You should find that a lot of courses and summits include a networking session at the end of the first day.
Plan to stay for the duration, and although it’s like speed dating, you never know who you might meet or what opportunity might arise.
Dana Lightbody hosts 35 leadership summits, presents over 500 high profile speakers and educates more than 2500 attendees in her role as CEO of The Leadership Institute. The institute has released its 2020 calendar of events, which you can explore here.