Do you want more exposure for your business?
Spice Editor Emma Castle spent ten years in PR and a further five years in print and digital media so she has seen things from both sides of the fence.
Here are some tips to help you get more coverage:
1. Event profiles
We are always looking for new events to profile on Facebook and in the Event in the Spotlight section of the website. All you need to do is tell us when the event was, where it was held, who it was for and how many people attended, what the purpose of the event was, and how you pulled the whole thing off, accompanied by at least five pics of the event set-up.
2. You have news
Tell us when you launch something new, or update an existing product or service. You don’t need to write a press release. Just email through a few lines about what it is (ie we have refurbished our function space) and the editorial team will get back to you with questions if it’s suitable for the newsletter. Please make sure you have good quality supporting imagery (Spice readers are very visual – they want to see the refurbished function space, not just read about how many square metres it is).
3. Get nominated in the Hot 100
To make it onto the Hot 100 shortlist, you need to get at least three nominations from our readers. To become a finalist, you need to be better than your competitors (this year, at least) in the eyes of our judging panel. Once you’re in the top five in your category, you are guaranteed print and online editorial coverage.
4. Write an opinion piece or Top Five
We don’t know everything (far from it!) so we would love to share your expertise with our readers. If you are at the top of your game and you have information about industry trends, new technology, customer preferences, research – pretty much anything that relates to the events industry – we are interested to hear your thoughts.
5. Provide expert comment
Spice magazine has themed issues throughout the year that focus on specific issues/topics (ie incentives, food and beverage, The Leaders Forum, etc). If you are a leader in your field or you have case studies that apply to a particular topic, please get in touch. Furthermore, if you are able to provide an industry voice regarding larger macroeconomic circumstances (ie the Federal election, the funding changes to NSW’s regional tourism, the boom in Chinese tourism, etc.) we are very interested to hear your thoughts on this as well.
What we don’t run
Here’s a handy guide to what we don’t run in editorial:
– New day delegate packages (or in fact, any deals at all)
– Appointment announcements (unless it’s a new MD for something big like Tourism Australia)
– FMCG product announcements. We can negotiate giveaways of consumer products but we probably won’t run a story on a new soft drink flavour or snack food
– Equipment announcements. You might be super excited about your new range of, say, taps, but our readers are probably not the right target market
– Anything pre-promoting a ticketed event. On very rare occasions, we will promote something highly relevant to industry but as a general rule, we steer away from this sort of coverage
– Awards announcements. Again, you guys are awesome and win TONNES of awards but we only cover the highly relevant industry awards (ie MEA, EEAA, etc)
Having said that, we are very open to hearing your ideas and suggestions so please do get in touch.
Please direct all suggestions and enquiries to ecastle@intermedia.com.au